of menstruators have been caught by surprise by their period.
of menstruating students miss school because they don’t have access to period products.
have encountered broken or empty vending machines.
have used improvised solutions in the restroom when caught unprepared.
* 2013 Study by the Tampon Foundation
Over 20 states in the US and a number of countries have mandated that period products be made free and available in public schools. Many are expanding to require them in other public spaces.
Predicted annual cost is only 10%
of your toilet paper budget.
About $4-6 per user. *
No need for a vending machine
($300.00 ea.)
* Based on usage data from Cambridge, MA public schools
States are mandating free products for students.
Show support for your employees and visitors.
Airports & Stadiums
A necessity for patrons who can’t leave the building.
Restaurants & Bars
High customer satisfaction ratings often rely on the quality of the restrooms.